Hike to Mt Cuisaw, Ayungon, Negros Oriental

The start of the Hike is found 2 km from the National Highway in Ayungon, and about 100km north from Dumaguete.

The start of the hike

Our hike took about 45 minutes in each direction and the weather was hot and sunny. The trail to the camp site is fairly easy with plenty of shade and starts at an altitude of 300m with the camp site located at 570m altitude. There are a lot of trails to explore at the 2 peaks call Mt Cuisaw Gamay (small) and Dako (big). Both peaks look to be about the same height with a vertical climb of about 50m. There are various trails so you can choose to hike straight up or take the long and windy road.

Trail to the campsite
Mountain hut

The views along the trail and from the twin peaks are beautiful. The sunrise is over Cebu island to the east and sunset is over the hills at the back of the peaks.

View to Cebu from the trail

There is a small store at the camp site selling snacks, meals and drinks as well as a toilet.

The 2 peaks of Mt Cuisaw
View to the north

I this that it is well worth the day hike or to camp overnight. It is great for nature lovers and photographers with beautiful views and lots of trails to explore!

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