Red Rock Falls, Pulangbato, Negros Oriental, Philippines

Pulangbato is 20 minutes away from Dumaguete by car, in the direction of Valencia. It is in the foothills of Mount Tallinis and lies in an area with beautiful scenery!

The road passes Tierra Alta and winds it’s way alongside a river with several scenic spots for photos!


Nikon D7200, Tokina 10-17mm lens @ 17mm, f11, ISO 100, 3 seconds, ND400 filter

There are several rope bridges that cross the river and some are more sturdy than others!


Nikon D7200, Tokina 10-17mm lens @ 17mm, f11, ISO 100, 4 seconds, ND400 filter

There is a geothermal power station nearby and steam emerges from some of the rocks in places. There is a distinctive smell of rotten eggs and the rocks are stained yellow in places.


Nikon D7200, 35mm f1.8 Nikon lens, f11, ISO 100, 5 seconds, ND400 filter

Mount Tallinis comes into view and there are more rapids up here. The water is warm in places and there are several spas with naturally heated water to soak in!


Nikon D7200, Tokina 10-17mm lens @ 17mm, f11, ISO 100, 1.3 seconds, ND400 filter

There are 2 water falls there and the water is pleasantly warm if you want to swim in the pool! There is also a separate pool for swimming, toilets and cafe with food and drinks.


Nikon D7200, Tokina 10-17mm lens @ 17mm, f11, ISO 100, 4 seconds, ND400 filter

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