Landscape Photography with a Nikon D7200

What are the elements of a landscape picture?

  1. The picture is separated in 3 distinct layers fore, mid and background as shown by the horizontal blue lines. This adds interest to the picture by giving different elements for the viewer to pick out in the picture.
  2. A point of interest in the foreground adds depth to the picture by attracting the viewer’s eye (shown by the rock in the green oval shape).
  3. Leading lines to draw the viewer’s eye through the picture (shown by the yellow “S” curve). Curves are more dynamic and then diagonal lines. Horizontal lines int he picture are calming.
  4. A focal point at the end of the leading lines (shown by the rock and clouds in the purple rectangle). This is where the eye ends up after following the leading lines.
  5. Minimalistic composition is best by removing all items that do not add to the points of interest or focal point.
  6. Sunrise and sunset create for a more interesting sky and colour.


This picture was taken during the late afternoon to give the sea a mid blue colour.  35mm f1.8 lens, f14, ISO 100 1/100.


Landscape pictures can be made at different times of the day.  During the middle of the day, the sea can be an interesting shade of blue to add to your picture. 35mm f1.8 lens, f16, ISO 100 and ND filter to slow the shutter to 1/10. This will smooth out the water.


Neutral density filters can be used to smooth out the sea further by using long shutter speeds.  35mm f1.8 lens, f13, ISO 100 and ND filter to slow the shutter to 3 seconds.  This really smooths out the sea and gives it a sheen with leading lines created by reflecting light from the boats in the foreground. There are different layers in this picture to add interest and lead the eye through the picture!


Most landscape pictures are made around the time of sunrise or sunset as this gives better light and more interesting sky.  Tokina 10-17mm f1.8 lens @ 17mm to reduce distortion, f16, ISO 100 and  1/125.  Here the setting sun provides a focal point along with a beautiful sky. The sea is comprised of different shades of orange and the hammock provides a foreground point of interest.


People can be used as a point of interest or focal point with the landscape providing a beautiful backdrop. 35mm f1.8 lens, f2.2, ISO 100 and 1/8000.  I used a fast aperture to blur the background and draw attention to the main subject, a portrait of a girl, making her pop from the background.


All picture made with a Nikon D7200.




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