Island Life

Living in a rural location on a small island can present challenges to creating interesting  photography! There are however plenty of opportunities and here are some of my ideas:

There are usually some iconic buildings and the key is to find an alternative viewpoint. This is the Bell Tower in Dumaguete and I chose a sunny day and an angle from which to shoot which included blue sky and green vegetation to contrast with the grey building.


Local transport can provide a unique inside into local life. Pedicabs are typical of this area and I just had to find the right spot and wait for a few to line up for this shot.


The sea is all around and provides some great colours. You just need to find an interesting foreground subject and the right time of day to show off the most vibrant colours! This is the Sandbar in Bais and has the best colours when there is some water covering the sand.


There are plenty of interesting landscapes. I used a rice field to provide foreground interest as well as different shades of green to contrast with the mountains, sky and clouds.

Rice Fields

Of course landscapes are best taken during the golden hour around sunrise and sunset. Here the colours make for a more interesting picture of a pretty white building.  These colours only lasted behind the building for about 10 minutes so you have to be there at the right time and be quick with your composition!

Tierra Alta Dumaguete
Tierra Alta Dumaguete

You can also look out for interesting activity in the rural area. It helps to have your camera with you to take advantage of any opportunities that present themselves to you!


You can sometimes find a mixture of modern and rural life in one place!


Happy hunting!



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